
NCPP Networking Event

NCPP is hosting an exclusive in-person networking event on Sunday, August 25th.  Open only to NCPP Cooperative, Strategic Supplier and Affiliate Partners, along with special guests, this provides an opportunity for members to network and enjoy beautiful panoramic views of the Queen City at Nuvole Rooftop TwentyTwo, the highest rooftop lounge in Charlotte, NC.

If you are an NCPP member, exhibiting at the conference, and wish to attend this event, please email Tammy Rimes for a registration link to be sent to you and your team. 

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors:


NCPP Presenting at NIGP FORUM

NCPP will be presenting and exhibiting at NIGP FORUM with a special cooperative procurement workshop during the educational program on Monday afternoon (August 26th).  With speakers, exercises and even a mock snowball fight, you will take away knowledge to help develop your cooperative strategies. 

Title: Level Up Your Cooperative Procurement Game

Cooperative Procurement is a simple solution with complex components. Its use has grown over the past decade and more public procurement teams are taking advantage of its benefits. While many know the basics, as procurement faces more complicated issues, there are many factors and new considerations in developing a cooperative procurement strategy. This specially designed workshop uses sports themes and games to drive home learning objectives, for professionals who have the goal to take their cooperative procurement knowledge to the next level.

· Learn about new ideas and added value features of cooperative contracts
· Discover how the use of cooperative contracts for construction and consulting services is growing and how that differs from commodity purchases through a cooperative contract
· Tackle tough issues regarding federal funding, emergencies and comparing cooperative options
· Hear from a variety of experts who will share their own insights and success stories
· Learn how to present the concept of cooperative procurement to decision-makers
· Work through real scenarios and learn from others


Need a Speaker?

NCPP is participating in conferences across the country.  If you need a speaker or cooperative procurement materials, please contact Tammy Rimes, Executive Director.  Our upcoming conferences include:

  • Rocky Mountain NIGP Chapter (Denver, CO)
  • California Association of School Business Officials (Palm Springs, CA) 
  • Canadian Public Procurement Council (Montreal, CANADA) 
  • Florida Association of Public Procurement Professionals (Orlando, FL)
  • Minnesota NIGP Chapter (Minneapolis, MN)
  • NIGP FORUM (Charlotte, NC)
  • NAEP Great Lakes Chapter (Mason, OH)
  • National Purchasing Institute (Denver, CO)