In the world of public procurement, there is never a dull moment! New systems, new contracts, new vendors and cooperatives—there is always something to learn. One of the key roles for the National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP) is to help with that education process in innovative ways that bring meaningful data, materials, and experts to help connect and education the partners in procurement—cooperative procurement, strategic suppliers, affiliated organizations and public procurement professionals. No matter where you sit at the table, NCPP will strive to bring unique perspectives from in-the-know experts to help with your own role. In the end, we are all here to serve the public good—education and knowledge will assist in that goal.
NCPP has available speakers and materials to offer for your regional or national conference. Offered by knowledgeable and dynamic presenters, your audience will learn the latest in cooperative procurement best practices and standards and work through scenarios to help them understand better. Our sample presentations are listed below. In addition, if you have a special request or need a presentation tailored specifically for your event, please contact us. Depending on the location of the event and available speaker, there may be an honorarium involved. However, if our NCPP representative will already be attending your conference or is located in a nearby city, this may be an opportunity to gain a professional speaker for your event.